Pish Kago, Sam Ukavi, Njoki Wa Njiru, Sammy Kiragu, Nicholas Kinyua, Eve Nkatha, Betty Kathungu-Furet, Edijoe Mwaniki, Peter Kawa, Simiyu Barasa, Vickie Maimba, Lawrence Njue, Veronica Waceke, Samuel Mugendi, Kamicha Kamau, Joel Wanami, Moses Wetekelye, Collins Mugals, Furet Films, Seed Productions, Spearhead Entertainment,
Dr. Ben Muriithi (Pish Kago) is a Medical Doctor, who has been working in a State Hospital in Nairobi. He comes from a long Line of Traditional Healers. His great-great grandfather, his great grandfather, his grandfather and his father were all well-known and respected Community Healers in Embu. So, he has a deep interest in Herbal & Alternative Medicine, but also decided to go to Medical Sch
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